
Welcome to Gero’s website, I am Eduardo Luzio!

In the course of my professional endeavors as a consultant, professor, and researcher, I've come to recognize the inherent dynamics of value creation and destruction within organizational relationships and transactions. Developing a discerning perspective is crucial, as understanding that each case is unique in its history, challenges, and opportunities is essential. This complexity is multifaceted and multidisciplinary, extending beyond mere numerical analysis of financial statements.

Our methodology considers the idiosyncrasies of people, strategies, technologies, market dynamics, corporate governance, and organizational culture. We firmly hold the belief that every company is essentially a portfolio of projects, and its overall value is contingent upon accurately quantifying each of those projects. Guided by these principles, I personalized engage in consultations with shareholders, managers, employees, and other stakeholders for each client. This tailored approach ensures the creation and delivery of a distinctive service, finely tuned to the unique characteristics of their industry and internal dynamics.


Gero offers
different but
complementary services:

  • Competitive Diagnosis and Company Assessment in Prospective Scenarios (Valuation)

  • Strategic Planning and Implementation Monitoring

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Company’s valuation for law firms that advise M&A

  • Debt and Equity Fundraising: Corporate and Project Finance

  • Restructuring of Interests in Multiple Companies

  • Mentoring for Entrepreneurs, Shareholders and Executives; Advisory Board Member, Customized In-Company Courses

  • Impairment Testing, Assessment Reports to support Arbitration and Legal Disputes



Creating sustainable value for entrepreneurs and their direct and indirect stakeholders.



By creating value, we cultivate enduring relationships, providing support to our clients in navigating both internal and external challenges arising from growth and market fluctuations.



Each client is unique in their characteristics, circumstances, and perspectives, requiring attentive listening and customized solutions. I personally plan and execute every job, from the beginning to the end. When specific technical expertise is needed, I subcontract specialists.